(208) 882-9755 foc@friendsoftheclearwater.org
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Wish List

Gerry Snyder Photo

Please consider helping us fulfill our wish list. All of the below items assist us in accomplishing our mission to keep the Clearwater Basin wild.  Your help is greatly appreciated. All in-kind donations are tax deductible. Thank you!

In the Field

Forestry Suppliers Steel Diameter Tape for field monitoring.

♦ Vehicle (car, van, or SUV, not a pickup) that can handle Forest Service roads.

♦ Write-in-the-rain journals and pens

A PLB emergency beacon for surviving a disaster in the backcountry


External hard drives; 1 terabyte minimum, solid-state

4-Bay NAS (Local network/server upgrade); a larger investment that would help us do more intensive work with large datasets, HD video, and more.

♦ Desktop PC; used is fine, as long as it has 16gb+ RAM. Hoping to use this specifically for ArcGIS digital mapmaking, which is not compatible with our Apple computers.

In the Community

E-Z Up recreational shelter for community outreach.

Epson Duet Ultra Portable Tripod and movie screen for community outreach.

In the Office

Coil binding machine; Preferably spiral, powered or mechanical.

♦ Vacuum Cleaner; corded or cordless (as long as it works well!)

♦ Standing air conditioner; especially environmentally friendly and energy-star rated

♦ Water cooler

♦ Indoor plants to keep staff healthy (shade tolerant preferred!)

♦ Brother TN450 High-Yield toner cartridges for black/white printing.

♦ Brother HL3170ODW High-Yield toner cartridges (Cyan, YellowMagenta, Black) for color printing.

♦ Photo framing services; we regularly give framed photos of the Clearwater to activists and volunteers, gift cards to Michael’s or other framing services in Moscow would be a huge help.

For more information, email us at foc@friendsoftheclearwater.org or call 208-882-9755. Thank you!