(208) 882-9755 foc@friendsoftheclearwater.org
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Ecosystem Defense

Forest Watch
Our Ecosystem Defense program is the most extensive in the region. We strive to follow every issue in the wild Clearwater region—the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, portions of the Idaho Panhandle and Bitterroot National Forests, and portions of the Cottonwood and Coeur d’Alene Field Offices of the Bureau of Land Management.

For the wildlife in this region, this also entails following proposals from the US Fish & Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. Water-quality-efforts involve land managers and entities like the Environmental Protection Agency.

If all else fails, we may choose to exercise our constitutional rights of judicial redress if we feel the decision made by an agency is contrary to the public interest. The program is not limited to following agency proposals and policy analysis. Our program also includes proactive proposals for wildlands protection, species recovery, and monitoring. Please contact us if you would like to get involved.

The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other laws mandate that the federal land management agencies involve the public before decisions are made. Click here for information about laws that govern our public lands.


Kelly Creek Roadless Area, Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests, Chuck Pezeshki Photo

Roadless Area Advocacy
Securing interim protection of roadless areas in the region—places that would be protected as wilderness under the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act (NREPA)—is a huge task since many threats face these areas. Click here to learn about these irreplaceable landscapes.






Bull Trout Recovery, USFWS Photo

Rare Species Recovery
We strive to protect species like grey wolves, lynx, grizzly bears, bull trout, Chinook salmon, Coeur d’Alene salamanders, the giant Palouse earthworm, ancient cedar groves, rare plant habitat, and more. Click here to learn about some of the native species in the wild Clearwater region.





ORV Monitoring, Weitas Creek Roadless Area, FOC Photo

Wildland Monitoring 

We are involved in various kinds of backcountry projects, including off-road vehicle abuse, post-prescribed fire, timber sales, and wilderness character monitoring. The data that is collected through monitoring can be used for public comments, filing appeals, and litigation. Some of our best and most influential work has come from showing agencies how their implementation of projects has not followed the law. Contact us if you are interested in participating in a monitoring project. Travel expenses will be paid for, and maps and instruction will be provided.




Issues of Concern

Public Lands Collaboration

Public Lands Privatization

Forest Plan Revision

Upper Lochsa Land Exchange

Off-Road Vehicle Abuse

Gray Wolf Recovery

Wolverine Recovery

Canada lynx Recovery

Bull Trout Recovery

Northern Rockies Fisher Recovery

Grizzly Bear Recovery

Megaloads on US 12

Lower Snake River Dams