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In addition to designating over 20 million acres of roadless wildlands as Wilderness, NREPA would specifically:

  • Protect biological connecting corridors, ensuring the continued existence of native plants and animals, and mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • Expand and provide greater protection for many existing Wilderness areas in the Northern Rockies by protecting their surrounding wildlands and their wild rivers.
  • Designates 2000 miles of rivers and streams as Wild and Scenic.
  • Create more than 2,300 jobs in rural communities restoring habitat on public lands harmed by logging and road building, leading to a more sustainable economic base in the region.
  • Saves taxpayers $245 million over a 10-year period by eliminating subsidized development in the roadless areas that would be designated Wilderness by the bill.


Salmon-Selway Greater Ecosystem, Chuck Pezeshki Photo Credit

The backbone of the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act is identifying and protecting the core greater-ecosystems of the northern Rockies bioregion. Read about the Salmon-Selway Ecosystem, the Hells Canyon-Wallowa Ecosystem, the Cabinet-Yaak-Selkirk Ecosystem, the Glacier-Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem, and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.






Canada Lynx, USFWS Photo Credit

The Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act would establish a series of biological connecting corridors on federal public lands (view the map) allowing native species such as gray wolves, grizzly bears, wolverines and lynx to migrate from places like Yellowstone National Park to the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.




Kelly Creek Roadless Area, Chuck Pezeshki Photo Credit

NREPA provides a net savings of more than $245 million over the first ten years after passage by prohibiting below-cost road building and timber sale programs within sensitive roadless areas. Learn more about the economic incentives for protecting the remaining roadless areas in the northern Rockies bioregion.








US Congress

In 2017, the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act Act (H.R. 2135, S. 936) was introduced. Read the news release.

Please tell your Senators to support passage of NREPA.

Please tell your House Representatives to support passage of NREPA.