On January 27, 2021, President Biden issued an executive order requiring agencies to examine how they will tackle the climate crisis. In response to this order, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA, the department in charge of the US Forest Service) asked for public comment and direction on climate-smart policy directions for agriculture and forestry, wildfire, and environmental justice.
While it should come as no surprise, scientific evidence suggests that the best climate policies include protecting national forests.
Friends of the Clearwater is preparing comments to the USDA on behalf of our members, and we plan to provide scientific evidence that the best climate policies involve protecting standing trees and intact meadows, recognizing the biofuels industry (powering plants for electricity) as polluters and carbon emitters, and coexisting with necessary, natural fire while protecting life and property.
Massive public pressure can move governments, and this is your chance to exert that pressure. Click the link here to send a letter and read more about how you can weigh in on this important opportunity.