1. Orogrande Community Protection Project in the West Fork Crooked Roadless Area threatens additions to the Gospel-Hump Wilderness. Includes 2-miles of road building and logging over 200-acres of roadless wildands. Our lawsuit was unsuccessful.
2. Lowell Wildland Urban Interface Project in the Rackliff-Gedney Roadless Area threatens additions to the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. Includes 1/2-mie of road building and 93-acres of roadless logging.
3. East Saddle Integrated Restoration Project previously included extensive logging in the Weitas Creek Roadless Area. Now includes 440-acres of logging off the remote Toboggan Ridge Road (581 road) which would negatively impact nearby world-class Kelly & Cayuse Creeks. Over 8,000 acres of prescribed fire and/or mechanical treatment (logging?) in Weitas Creek, Moose Mountain and Kelly Creek Roadless Areas included in initial proposal as well.
4. Windy/Shingle Project initially proposed to log 90-acres of the Salmon Face Roadless Area, which threatened additions to the Hells Canyon Wilderness. The Forest Service recently dropped the roadless acreage from the project after public feedback.
5. Cold Mush Project in the Pot Mountain and Mallard-Larkins Roadless Areas proposes to log 1400 acres (helicopter logging?). It would reduce Pot Mountain RA 10,000-acres in size and Mallard-Larkins RA 2,000-acres in size.
6. Lolo Insect & Disease Project initially proposed to log 300-acres in Eldorado Creek Roadless Area. A new proposal is expected.
7. Hungry Ridge Project is proposed for public wildlands that are not included in the ineffective Idaho Roadless Rule Inventory. Logging would threaten land contiguous to the Gospel-Hump Wilderness as well as the John’s Creek corridor, which is an eligible Wild & Scenic River.