Dear public land owners,
Advocates for the West, on behalf of Idaho Rivers United and Friends of the Clearwater, just filed for an emergency preliminary injunction in federal court to halt the Johnson Bar Salvage Logging Project in the Wild & Scenic Middle Fork Clearwater and Selway River corridor. The 34-million board foot project would produce huge clear-cuts and potentially impact wild steelhead and bull trout. Read about the lawsuit.
Thanks to your past efforts, the Forest Service has prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Road, Administrative, and Recreation Site Project on the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests. You may recall that the agency previously tried to sneak this massive salvage logging project through under a Categorical Exclusion! We still have major concerns about this proposed 40-million board foot timber sale that would log in sensitive post-fire habitat and roadless areas! Please consider sending a public comment by April 29. Click here to learn where to send your comment.
A federal judge has ruled that the US Fish & Wildlife Service broke the law when they denied protections under the Endangered Species Act for the imperiled wolverine! With less than 300 wolverines in the Lower 48, this member of the Mustelidae family faces extinction due to genetic isolation and climate change. Thank you to Earthjustice and Western Environmental Law Center for representing conservation groups, including FOC. Read the news release.
Earth Economics has released a cost-benefit analysis for the continued operation and maintenance of the lower four Snake River dams. The report claims that there is a .15 cent return for every $1.00 spent on maintaining the aging dams. To the contrary, a free-flowing river (breaching the dams) would yield $4.00 or more for every $3.00 invested. Additional analysis reveals that $500-million could be spent by outdoor recreationists in the first few years alone following dam breaching. Read the report.
Over 100 conservation groups from around the country recently sent a letter asking Congress to oppose attempts to amend and weaken the Wilderness Act. The Sustainable Trails Coalition is trying to get legislation introduced that would allow mountain bikes in Wilderness. The law clearly states that mechanical transport (which mountain bikes are) is not compatible with wilderness character. Unfortunately, members of the mountain biking community care more about their personal recreation interests than preserving the National Wilderness Preservation System. Read the news release.
If you would like to volunteer for a shift in our yummy crepes booth at the 43rd Annual Moscow Renaissance Fair please contact us at! The weekend-long festival is April 30 – May 1.
Defend the wild,
Brett Haverstick
Education & Outreach